Why a reset?

 Over and over, science tells us that a good night’s sleep is important to a healthy, happy and long life. The benefits of a good nights sleep are SO many: Happier hormone balance, a potent immune system, lower inflammation, (yes, even less eye puff) and that amazing feeling like you've caught your stride.

Now I'm not going to lie, I haven't had the healthiest sleep habits throughout my life. My whole family is notorious for being night owls (you can find my 90 year old mom eating a slice of pie at 2am most days..) and I would often wake up before getting the sleep that my body needed. 

Several years back one of my health mentors taught me about the beauty and benefits of resetting my circadian rhythms and my life has never been the same - seriously! I honestly can’t believe that I now have a healthy wake/sleep schedule. I haven’t had one since I was a little girl! My brain and body are now rested and ready to jump into the day and then likewise I’m relaxed and ready to doze off. It’s crazy good. I use no alarm clock, yet wake roughly the same time every morning.

Do you want this kind of sleep schedule for your life? Let’s get you to Dreamland—fast. Join the Circadian Reset! 

Everything You Need to Know About Your Circadian Rhythm

8 Simple Steps to Reset in 2 Weeks

More Tips for the Best Sleep Of Your Life

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